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Andover Township Fire Department
Charter Members

Resolution by Andover Township Committee
The following Resolution was passed at a meeting of the Township Committee held on November 30, 1953.
Whereas a group of residents of the Township of Andover appeared before the Township Committee of the Township of Andover; and
Whereas, the group of residents are desirous of forming a Volunteer Fire Department in the Township of Andover; and
Whereas, it is desirable to obtain the consent of the Township Committee of the Township of Andover in order to incorporate and join the State Volunteer Fire Department Association in order to enjoy the State Association benefits;
Now therefore be it ordained, that the Township Committee of the Township of Andover, County of Sussex and State of New Jersey does hereby grant permission to the residents of the Township of Andover to form a Volunteer Fire Department in the Township of Andover in accordance with the provisions of the State Laws on Volunteer Fire Departments.
The above Resolution was introduced by Committeeman Current and moved for adoption by Committeeman Ballantine and unanimously adopted.
Mayor Frank L. Howell
Committeeman Percy H. Ballantine
Committeeman Walter R. Current
I hereby certify that the above Resolution is a true copy of the Resolution introduced and passed at a meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Andover, County of Sussex and State of New Jersey on November 30th, 1953.
Levi Howell, Clerk
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